Friday, April 24th 2015
Thanks to everyone who came out last night for the kickoff of our 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge. It will be great to have a built in support system as we know we’ll all have ups and downs. But remember, we are all in this together! If you couldn’t come and want to get your hands on the information we discussed, shoot us an email or grab us in class and we’ll get it to you.
Friday’s 6:30PM class will be our first “Bring a Friend Friday”. It will be a fun partner WOD that will be challenging for sure, but designed with less technically challenging movements for your friends and family who might be newer to CrossFit. But trust me, when your partner is counting on your for solid reps and a good pace, you WILL push harder and you WILL leave exhausted and bonded at a whole new level!
Lastly, we are doing another round of Foundations Classes next week (Tues, Thurs and Friday at 6:30pm). Please encourage anyone you know who’s been ‘on the fence’ to come. Our Founder’s Rate ends 4/30 and there’s no better time to try than now!