Thursday, April 23rd 2015
We are excited that so many of you are participating in the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. It will be a modified class, starting with the WOD and end with a discussion where we will give you all the information you need to get going. This gives everyone three days to prep meals and clean out the kitchen to officially start the challenge on Sunday.
During the first half hour of the 6:30 class we will do a “baseline” WOD, which we will retest at the end of the 30 days. Then during the second half of class we will talk through the basics of the 30 day clean eating program (and feel free to hang out after for snacks continued discussion). Again, this will be in lieu of our regular 6:30 class. If you aren’t doing the challenge you can still come and join us for the 6:30 WOD and finish with the skill section afterwards. If you can’t make it to the 6:30 we can get you any and all information you want… and it will be the same WOD all day so you can ‘test’ at any time!