Friday, December 2nd 2016
With a Running Clock
Max Wall Balls
Find a Heavy 3 Rep Deadlift
Max Wall Balls
Max Rope Climbs
Max Burpees
1 Person Working at a Time
Score = Total Points
1 Wall Ball = 1 Point
1 Pound on Deadlift = 1 Point
1 Rope Climb = 5 Points
1 Burpee = 2 Points
COACH’S TIP: There will be math involved here, but save it for the end. Just count your reps as you normally would and do the multiplying later. If you don’t have rope climbs, three “floor ascents” will act as one rope climb. Try not to ‘gamify’ the workout. Meaning, don’t save your energy on any one movement so you can crush the next one. BUT, know your strengths and play to them (i.e. you might be great at rope climbs and your partner might be a burpee ninja, so don’t feel the reps need to be split up evenly). One of you are meant to be moving the entire time!