Words cannot express our deepest thanks to each and every one of you. We have people walk through our doors every day that other businesses DREAM of having peek through their doors just once. We have the best coaches and staff in the business. Our Kiddie Cove is run by the most caring, compassionate and thoughtful group of people. And our athletes… don’t even get us started on this collective. They are the most selfless, generous and motivated people we know. We are in awe of you every day.
And then you top it off by shouting from the rooftops about us. Brian and I never asked our parents to vote for us. Or our childhood friends. This all came from you. Our community. Our freaking amazing, unbelievable “pinch us this can’t be real” community.
Because of YOU we are Howard County’s BEST CROSSFIT BOX! I think we’ve know it all along, but I guess our secret is out. Thank you for all making this place what it is. We are eternally grateful.
Another reminder that we are holding our annual Holiday WOD and Potluck on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd at 6:30PM (lieu of the regular 6:30pm class). For those of you who are on the blog awaiting the workout every night at 8p (or who did this last year), we CAN tell you that this one will be a “12 Days of Christmas WOD”. Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas”, you will complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. But of course we won’t reveal ALL of it. The movements will be a secret and taunt you for the next month — just like that wrapped present you’re not allowed to touch until the big day!
300/250 M Row
8 Hanging Power Cleans
8 Rounds
300/250 M Row
8 Hanging Power Snatch
8 Rounds
Fitness:95/65 (75/55)
RX: 135/95 (95/65)
RX+: 155/105 (115/75)
Time cap= 32 min
Coach’s Tip: Partner 1 will complete one full round then partner two will complete one full round (row & 8 reps on the barbell = 1 round). You will rest while the other partner is working, so there is a good amount of rest time baked in. Go hard on the row and pick a weight that you can go unbroken on the barbell for at least the first round or two!
The Kiddie Cove watchdog Jonas… or as we call him “our main man Jonas”!