Another reminder that we are holding our annual Holiday WOD and Potluck on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd at 6:30PM (lieu of the regular 6:30pm class). For those of you who are on the blog awaiting the workout every night at 8p (or who did this last year), we CAN tell you that this one will be a “12 Days of Christmas WOD”. Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas”, you will complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. But of course we won’t reveal ALL of it. The movements will be a secret and taunt you for the next month — just like that wrapped present you’re not allowed to touch until the big day!
8 per leg Bulgarian Split Squats50 Foot Farmers Carry4 Rounds
1 Min at Each Station
Wall Balls
KB Swings
Box Jump Overs
1 Min Rest
4 Rounds
Fitness 35/26
RX 53/35
RX+ 70/53
Coach’s Tip: Pacing your work, playing to your strengths and quick transitions from one movement to the next will be keys to success today! If you can time you last big set to end with :05 seconds on the clock, you can easily get to the next station and start working! You will be winded for sure after each three minutes of work, so use the minute of rest to catch your breath — try not to lay on the ground flat out. Walk around, grab water and get ready for the next one!
The Barbell Club knows the secret to improving your lifts…