Friday, July 15th 2016
Thanks to everyone who came out for Matt’s goodbye WOD. While we hate to see him go, we love the community rallying around him as he leaves for his next adventure! Plus, now he owes you free medical advice when he graduates.
Check out our new gear! We’ve got tanks and baseball Ts for men and muscle Ts and baseball shirts for the ladies. Here’s our very own WODFather Geo Rockwell rocking the Men’s Baseball T…
With a 30 Minute Running Clock
From Minute 1-10
1 Mile Relay
(one partner runs 400 M the other partner runs 400 M until you reach 1600 M as a team)
Max Power Clean with remaining time
From minutes 10-20
1 Mile Relay (same way as above)
Max Squat Cleans (with remaining time)
From Minutes 20-30
1200M Relay (One partner runs 200 M then switch until you reach 1200M)
Max Burpees (touch a target) with remaining time
Score is total reps Clean + Squat Cleans + Burpees
Fitness 95/65 35/26
RX 135/95 53/35
Coach’s Tip: If you and your partner each struggle with running, scale the distances (i.e. 300 M instead and run it 4X for a 1200) as you want to have some time on the barbell. If you are running the whole time you aren’t getting the maximum effect of the workout!
Taylor is now a regular nooner and had some fun on the box this week. She wasn’t sure she could even hit a 24″… but she makes over 31″ look EASY! Way to go!