Friday May 22nd 2015
BRING A FRIEND FRIDAY: PARTNER WOD!!! Great job on the 30-Day Challenge re-test! We will compile the analytics in the morning, but whether it was an improvement in time at the same weight… or a higher weight at a slower time… both are HUGE victories in strength and stamina. As an example, Scott went from Fitness to RX (an increase of 20lbs on the barbell) but was 10 seconds slower. 20lbs x 20 reps x 3 rounds is 1200lbs! So basically he moved 1200lbs from the ground to overhead in 10 seconds. Pretty astounding. Like we said yesterday, we have already seen and heard about some amazing changes in many of you and we hope that you might share more with us during this challenge (email us at Keep in mind changes should not be limited to weight you may have gained or loss but could include things like how you feel, energy levels, sleep, cravings, and performance. We want to hear both the good and the bad!
We are hoping to see many of you this Saturday to workout for Team Red White and Blue. If you are interested in attending please add you name to the white board list or you can click the following this Team RWB on Facebook. Think of it as a warm-up for Murph!
400 M row (Partner holds plank) 75 Wall balls 50 sit ups 400 m row (plank) Rest 2 minutes 400 M Row (plank) 75 Hanging Power Cleans 50 Burpees 400 m row (plank) Fitness (75/55) (14/10) RX (95/70) (20/14) RX+ (115/85) (20/14)