Friday, October 21st 2016
We can’t believe it, today wraps our last day of instruction for the Fresh Start ladies and next week they migrate into their free week of regular classes. As always, if you see a new face in class, extend a hand or give a high five — even thought they’ve been at it for five weeks, this will feel new again to them!
At the same time, it is the SIX MONTH anniversary of our last ladies’ challenge and we are doing to do some celebrating on Friday night! We will do a partner WOD, pairing up current “Fresh Start” athlete with a “Challenge Graduate” or Cove veteran. It will be different from the day’s Partner WOD but will be a BLAST. It will be at 7:45p on FRIDAY night followed by a potluck after. Bring your favorite snack and/or wine/or beer/or whatever and let’s get after it! All are welcome (yes, boys can come too)!
Fran is the classic king benchmark workout of CrossFit and tomorrow we are unleashing it on you. Fran is a very challenge workout (why aren’t there any easy wods?) that will put your body to a test. Yesterday’s wod (20 minutes of rowing, box jumps, jerks, and swings) was a slog where you are just try to keep moving. Fran is designed as a very different experience. Fran you want are thinking about speed and sprinting through it.
You should be breathing heavy from the first movement on and get that burning feeling on in your throat. We refer to this feeling as “Fran lung”. The is the stimulus we are looking for from this workout so be sure to scale appropriately. We want you to be hitting big sets of thrusters and there are 45 pull ups in there workout so you would need some proficiency with pull ups under fatigue. We are using a hard time cap of 10 minutes.
If you have questions on how to scale the workout be sure to ask your coach. We can scale the movements (banded pull ups, jumping, etc.), weight on the thrusters or the number of reps for the workout.
We are so sorry that we had to cancel this Monday’s BodPod assessment. The vendor’s generator failed but he has gotten a new one and we are going to be doing body composition testing on October 24th from 3 PM to 8 PM. The vendor was nice enough to give us a $5 discount (now $45) to make up for the inconvenience. So if you are looking to check your progress from last time or determine a first time baseline, please sign up HERE.
20 min AMRAP:
60 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls
50 DUs
40 T2B/T2P
40 Box Jumps
30 Pull Ups
30 Burpees
20 Power Cleans
20 Push Jerks
10 Snatches
Fx- 45# PC/PJ/S, 10# WBs
Rx- 55# PC/PK/S, 12# WBs
Rx+- 65# PC/PJ/S, 14# WBs
Partner FRAN
1 Person does Fran and is judged by their partner then switch roles after a rest. Score the workout individually.
Pull ups
Fitness: 75/55
RX: 95/65
RX+: 95/65
**Go fast.**
Coach’s Tip: We saw some amazing things happen at the Clash of the Cove just by simply having people WATCH them work out and having judges. Movements were ‘cleaner’ (i.e. better depth on wall balls than we’ve ever seen, full lock out on the presses, etc.) and there was an extra hustle with people counting your reps and cheering you on. We are applying this element to today’s workout by doing a “partner” workout for the benchmark “FRAN”.