Friday, October 28th 2016
Be sure to dress up in your best (or most ridiculous) costume on Monday! We’ll be doing some themed workouts and other fun things to celebrate the best, but least macro-friendly, holiday of the year!
While we love that the Cove is a home away from home for so many, that doesn’t mean ‘moving in’. Feel free to keep your gym essentials here in the cubbies (lifters, ropes, grips, etc) but it is not a place for dirty clothes and stinky socks. We will be doing a ‘cubbie cleanout’ in both the main gym cubbies AND the shower cubbies this week. Anything non-gym essentials found will be put on a table by the goal board and, if not claimed in a week, will be washed and donated!STRENGTH WOD
Take 10 minutes to find a heavy 1 RM clean and jerk for the day
Odd/Even 20 minute AMRAP
3 Clean and Jerks
AMRAP Burpee Broad Jumps
Partner 1 goes on the even minutes
Partner 2 goes on the odd minutes
Your score will be your total number of burpee broad jumps as a team.
Coach’s Tip: For the strength, we aren’t looking for a one-rep max, just a heavy lift. This should help prep you and assist in deciding what weight to use for the Metcon. There’s no prescribed weight today on the Clean and Jerk for the workout. We would like athletes to be able to perform the 3 “touch and go” C&Js with excellent form. It should take 6-10 seconds so yo can rest for the remainder of the minute. Choose a weight you can do quickly with good form while you fatigue. Because, don’t forget, you will be completing 30 reps in addition to a boatload of burpees!