Halloween Cove Style!
Halloween is one of the best days of the year at the Cove, so come in dressed to impress! We’ll have a few tricks (and treats!) up our sleeves too, so get ready for a fun day (not like they ALL aren’t fun, right?!)

10 Barbell Rows (overhand grip)
10 Ring Dips
3 Rounds
7 Power Cleans
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Push Ups
Rest 30 Seconds
7 Rnds
Fitness: 95/65
Performance: 135/95
Open: 155/105
Coach’s Tip: You’ve probably noticed we’ve been doing a lot of rows (single arm and barbell) as they are critical for good shoulder health. Lets keep a clean grip on the bar today and focus on that hinge of the hips! The metcon should be fast, even with the loads that are listed here. Every round might not be unbroken, but it should be close. The 30 seconds rest gives you just enough time to recover and hit each round with intensity. Negatives or dips off a box should be your progression (not bands) if you are working towards your dips. Focus on good push ups in the metcon, as there are only 7 of them each round (and scale them accordingly to ensure you hit that great form!)Tracie M. has been crushing it lately. Consistency pays off!