In lieu of the regular 6:30pm class THIS Friday, we will be holding our annual Holiday WOD and Potluck. For those of you who are on the blog awaiting the workout every night at 8p (and are likely angry that this post didn’t go live until 8:08pm), we CAN tell you that this one will be a “12 Days of Christmas WOD” again. But if Christmas isn’t your thing, no worries at all. Consider it a non-denominational celebration of all things CrossFit that just happens to have a rep scheme that follow the pattern of the 12 Days of Christmas. Like the song, you will complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. But of course we won’t reveal ALL of it. The movements will be a secret and taunt you for the next month — just like that wrapped present you’re not allowed to touch until the big day!
To help you maintain your fitness during the holidays, we will have options for you EVERY DAY… yes, even on Christmas Day! While others are closed, we’ll stay open so you can continue to make those GAINZZZZ!
There are some adjustments to the schedule with modified hours, so please read this carefully!
Friday 12/22: Holiday WOD and Potluck. We will be doing the 12 Days of Christmas WOD at 6:30pm followed by a potluck directly following (that means bring a dish to share!). The same 12 Days of Christmas WOD will be the WOD for all of the classes that day.
Saturday 12/23: Normal class schedule at 9, 10 and 11a. There WILL BE an 8am competitor’s class as well!
Sunday 12/24: Open Gym 9a to Noon (no Yoga this Sunday)
Monday 12/25: (Christmas Day): Open Gym 9a to 2p
Tuesday 12/26: Noon, 4:30p and 5:30p classes only. Open gym from 1-4:30.
Wednesday 12/27: Regular schedule
Sunday 12/31 (New Year’s Eve): Open Gym 9a – Noon
Monday, 1/1 (New Year’s Day): Open Gym 11a – 2pm
10 Floor Press
10 Single Arm Push Press (10 each arm)
20 Second Handstand Hold
3 Rounds
30 Clean and Jerks for Time
Fitness: 95/65
Performance: 135/95
Open: 135/95
Coach’s Tip: Today we are back at it for our accessory work on the pressing cycle. For the handstand hold, you can walk into it. This will ensure a good position and make it scalable for most people who might be afraid of being upside down completely (you can stay at an angle) . We fire up the shoulders then finish with Grace! Might not be a PR time for anyone since we are hitting the shoulders hard, but really try to push through. We’re putting a 10 minute cap on the workout, so find the weight and scale that works for you!
Joey has come so far in such a short time. From pulling big weights to nailing his kipping pull ups, he’s become a beast!