We are so excited to announce that Jenna Michelotti has qualified to Pit Fitness Ranch Elite Teen Throwdown!
For those of you who haven’t followed Covid-19’s impact on the CrossFit Games, the Teen Division competition was canceled earlier this summer. These kids have worked tirelessly over the last year (years, actually!) to get to this elite level, and this news was devastating to all — so this event was created as a sanctioned replacement to the CrossFit Games.
For further context, only the top 10 girls in the 14-15 year old WORLDWIDE division get invited to the Games. And as a 14 year-old, Jenna ranked number 34 in the world overall. Yes, in the WORLD. Due Covid and travel restrictions, two slots were opened up through an additional qualifier round, and Jenna placed FIRST amongst the online qualifiers. Yes, you read that right… of all the teens who participated for those coveted spots, Jenna finished FIRST.
It was such a joy to watch her compete in this year’s CrossFit Open, breaking boundaries even she didn’t think possible. Upon completing the Open, Jenna has continued to focus on her training, despite the chaos of the world around her. While many athletes took the COVID-19 quarantine as an “off-time” Jenna has been working relentlessly on her strength, skills, and overall fitness — and all the hard work paid off.
She has now secured a spot in the premier teen competition in the CrossFit world.
On a personal note, we have been so fortunate to watch Jenna grow so much as an athlete and a young woman over the last four years. It’s hard to believe now, but she would come in with her family while they worked out and sit on the green chairs and watch (or be on her phone). It took a good amount of nudging to even get her to bring sneakers in case we could convince her to work out.
But something changed along the way. Maybe it was watching the fun that was happening on the floor. Maybe it was the competitive chatter around the Michelotti dinner table. Or maybe was just her gaining the confidence to try something new. But whatever the motivation, SHE’S now the one who’s motivating us.
Her work ethic, positive attitude, and constant smiles have been an inspiration to us all. And we cannot wait for her to share her spirit with the rest of the CrossFit world.
Be sure to follow her journey on her Instagram jennamichelotti_cf. It is a must-follow for all of us, regardless of age or ability!
Thumbs up from Jenna!
5 rounds (each)
(both partners complete the movement before going to the next)
20 Front Rack Lunges (Partner holds Front Rack)
20 Situps (Partner holds Plank)
20 Bentover Rows (Partner holds standing DL)
Time Cap: 25 min
Fx: 75/55
P: 95/65
6 rounds
20 DB Front Rack Lunges
20 Situps
20 DB Bentover Rows
Buy-out: 2 minute plank