Monday, August 29th 2016
Thanks to everyone for the feedback on CrossFit Family class times. While Saturday got a few “yays”, Sunday got more. But we want to find something that works for everyone, so here’s the schedule! To be respectful of our athletes that utilize open gym hours and because we have classes on Saturday (and so we can take over the whole space), we are excited to announce our next series of classes will run at NOON on the following dates:
SUNDAY, September 18th at Noon SATURDAY, September 24th at Noon SUNDAY, October 2nd at Noon
As a reminder, these workouts are designed as “partner WODs” where you work out with your child. If you have more than one child, that’s ok… we can work in teams of three (or feel free to bring another adult partner). We typically do fun warmups, some skill work, a work out and a game. While you will get a sweat in, it won’t come with the same “pain cave” feeling of a regular METCON.
Ideal ages for our ‘lil beasts is 5 – 10… but if you think your older or younger one will enjoy it, great! Since it is Partner WOD, you’ll be able to assist (or challenge) your child as appropriate for THEM!
Overhead Squats 5/5/5/5/5
Work on technique. This could include mobility work and squat skill work
15 Box Jumps
12 Push Press
9 Toes-to-Bar
12 Minute AMRAP
If you haven’t met Liz B. yet, make sure to introduce yourself and say “congratulations”. Not only did she just have a baby (I know, you’d never know!) she just hit her pre-pregnancy front squat weight. She’s just awesome.