Technically the Governor’s new mask mandate went into effect on Friday at 5p, but this is our first full week of classes with some modifications at the gym. The good news is that we’ve had a few classes already to test it out, and the GREAT news is we have already learned a ton and it seems to be manageable and effective!
For those of you new to hearing of the amendment of the Executive Order, “Masks will be required at all Maryland gyms starting Friday at 5 p.m. under a new order by Governor Larry Hogan. A spokesperson says the only exception will be “heavy aerobic exercise” where a mask might “genuinely impede your breathing.”
Here’s how this will be applied at the Cove:
- Per usual, you will enter the gym from the front with a mask and wash your hands or sanitize upon arrival.
- You will find your station on the floor and retrieve all of your equipment (with your mask on now). Try to get as much as you think you will need for the workout (weight variations and such) to eliminate foot traffic once you are set up.
- The coach will review the workout and go over any housekeeping issues. We ask you keep your mask on for this too.
- Put on your mask to walk the floor to bathrooms, in public areas or retrieve items you might still need.
- Once class starts and you start moving, you can remove the mask if it impedes your breathing or creates discomfort. Everyone will have a different tolerance here, so do what works best for YOU. The last thing we want is an injury from dizziness or lightheadedness.
- As your coaches, we will our best to keep our faces covered but may need to remove to allow for enough volume while instruction or for our athletes who are hard of hearing (we have several). We will do our best to maintain double separation while doing so.
- We have expanded the workout footprint of the gym to further increase distancing to at least 12 feet of separation.
- Continue to follow the expected clean up procedure. Each of us will need to wipe each piece of equipment and use the towels as ‘mittens’ to return your gear back it it’s place. Towels are already folded in ‘two packs’ and disinfectant sprays are at each clean up station.
- Continue to bring a yoga mat daily. Most body contact with the floor should be on your mat… but please mop up any sweat angels that extend beyond your mat!
We thank you all in advance for your understanding, patience and support. On every level!
It seems no one’s schedule is their own these days, which makes it challenging to find a ‘one size fits all’ solution for anything! We know people like having an outdoor training option, but in terms of classes, we’re trying to play around with times to see what works best. While 6:45p outdoor classes saw some attendance, we’ve been asked for alternative times from several others. In an effort to try to increase attendance in our outdoor classes and satisfy the schedule of more athletes we are trying some different times this week. THIS WEEK’s schedule of outdoor classes will be as follows:
5:30 PM on Monday
6:00 PM on Tuesday
6:15 PM on Wednesday
(reminder, you can do the workout ANY time outside! We have music speakers available, a dedicated outdoor clock and clearly we have all the gear you need!)
2 Squat Snatch
@70%+ of 1RM
4 rounds
12 Deadlifts
12 Power Snatch
400m Run
*If you drop the barbell on the set of power snatches before your set of 12 is over, you must first do 10 jumpovers before proceeding
Time Cap: 16 min
Fx: BB only
P: 75/55
O: 95/65
Every 45 seconds for 8 rounds
8 Alt. DB Snatch
4 rounds
14 DB Deadlifts (you can use 1 or 2)
14 Alt. DB Snatch
400m Run
*If you drop the DB before your set of Alt DB Snatches are over, you must first do 10 Jumpovers before proceeding
Time Cap: 16 min
Coach’s Tip (and commentary on post-wod layout and mask use!):