Most of you saw the post on the Cove Club FaceBook page, but in case you missed, February is our 8,000 Step Up Challenge! The goal is to do 8,000 step ups to a box (weighted or unweighted) during the month of February. And lucky for you, it’s a leap year so you get an extra day! You can either use a 20/14# Medball or you can also opt out of a weight. No big deal, you’ll still get a great workout.
If you do this challenge you MUST commit to doing it incrementally. Unlike the rowing challenge where you can adjust intensity super easily (we’ve often seen 20-30k in one go at the very end to make it in under the wire) doing over 1,000 step ups in one go could be a recipe for serious injury. You need to be responsible for yourself as we simply cannot monitor volume for everyone — but if we see you on a box for too long, we WILL make you stop!
This challenge was inspired by the Hero WOD “Chad”. It was named after Chad Wilkinson, a 22-year active duty SEAL stationed in Virginia Beach, who took his own life on October 29th. Please honor his memory by being humble and staying safe.
EMOM for 8 min:
3 Back Squats followed immediately by 10 air squats
*Lighter load as not to be destroyed for the MetCon
5 rounds-
10 Single Arm DB Thruster
10 Other Arm DB Thruster
10 Burpee Box Jumpovers
5/3 MU
Time Cap: 20 min
Fx: 35/25, 20/18″, 7 Ring Rows + 7 Hand Release Pushups per round
P: 50/35, 24/20″, Bar MU Option
O: 50/35, 24/20″
Coach Holden’s Tips: Since weights are light, today’s squats are a perfect opportunity to dial in your technique. Don’t just bounce out of the bottom on air squats. Focus on your tripod foot and engaging your glutes. It’ll prepare you for the unilateral work in the Metcon. Challenge yourself on scaling today! Try working on transitions if you’re close to muscle ups but don’t exactly have them yet.
Dan H. working hard per usual. Sans headphones this one time.