Monday, July 18th 2016
One last thank you to Katie for organizing such a great event. We’ll have to make the Ellicott City Bar Crawl and annual tradition!
It’s pretty last minute but we are going to go full steam ahead with our 2016 CrossFit Games Fantasy League.
Each person who signs up for the draft with have the following “picks”: 3 males, 3 females and one team (not an individual, pick a whole team). Scoring will be based on how your athletes and team does each event of the CrossFit Games.
The plan is to do the draft at 8:15 PM this Tuesday at the Cove. For those that cannot make the draft (which I expect to be most of you) you can give me a listing of your top draft picks and we will pick them for you. I am also going to create a online hangout so people can join us virtually for the draft.
Here are some notes about how the draft will work.
If you want a team, please send me an email ( and I will invite you to the draft. There are sixteen spots available for the draft, so it first come first serve. But if we have enough interest we will create a second league.
Spend 10 minutes mobilizing and opening the shoulders
400 m Run
15 Overhead Squats
5 Rounds for Time
**25 Minute Time Cap**
Fitness: 75/55
RX: 95/65
RX+: 95/65
Coach’s Tip: We love a good couplet (two movements) — especially one loaded and one unloaded and ‘Nancy’ is a perfect blend of a loaded movement and running. This CrossFit benchmark workout adds a bit of complexity with the overhead squats. Even though the weight is somewhat light for a seasoned CrossFit athlete, it becomes daunting as the rounds progress. If it’s your first time trying this WOD, we highly recommend scaling the weight down, or even just using a PVC pipe.