Monday, May 11th 2015
It’s time to start a new strength cycle! We’ve been working on Cleans in terms of technique and with various loads during workouts, but we will be refining and building on this key movement as the foundation for our next strength cycle. Here’s to another week of getting stronger and faster!
On Wednesday morning (for the 9:30am class) we will be hosting a group called “No Excuse Moms” at the gym. Our very own Lacey Finely is a team leader of this amazing group who’s goal is to serve as an inspiration and motivational hub for women who want to be healthy in Fort Meade. And we’re thrilled they want to do a ‘field trip’ to the Cove! This 9:30 class will NOT be the regular WOD, so if you’re interested in meeting a whole bunch of cool ladies and doing a partner WOD, come on in!
Take 15 minutes to find a 1 RM Clean (power or squat)
15 Squat Cleans
50 Air Squats
15 Power Clean
30 Push ups
15 Hanging Power Clean
50 Air Squats
-For Time-
Fitness 95/65
RX 135/95
RX+ 155/105
Chris showing great extension then pushes away on the bar making toes to bar look easy…