Tuesday, May 12th 2015
Great job on the Cleans today. We’re starting with some strong numbers and we’re excited to see how far we can take them as we continue through our next strength cycle.
We will have sitter services this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the 9:30am classes
A reminder that on Wednesday morning (for the 9:30am class) we will be hosting a group called “No Excuse Moms” at the gym. Our very own Lacey Finely is a team leader of this amazing group who’s goal is to serve as an inspiration and motivational hub for women who want to be healthy at Fort Meade. And we’re thrilled they want to do a ‘field trip’ to the Cove! This 9:30 class will NOT be the regular WOD, so if you’re interested in meeting a whole bunch of cool ladies and doing a partner WOD, come on in!
Tuesday we will be having some more fun with Handstand Push Ups. Our goal is to get you as comfortable as possible being upside down first and foremost. If you don’t have a handstand yet, there are lots of great scales and progressions that can help you get there. Here are some great videos to look at to give you an idea of what we can do to make it happen!
Spend 10 minutes working on Handstand Push ups
(Between every couple attempts spend 45 seconds in the Keg Stretch)
Max Unbroken Wall Balls
400 M Run
20 min AMRAP
Score = Wall Balls
Fitness 14/10
RX 20/14
Divya showing tremendous focus going overhead with a Snatch …