Monday, October 5th 2015
We hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to get after it today! Another huge congrats to all those who competed this weekend. We know how nerve-wracking it can be to step outside your comfort zone and it was amazing to see so many of you do that — AND so much more. The Cove had an awesome showing at the Charm City Throwdown and we hope the gym is getting some competition fever!
For those of you who signed up for the Adventure Park outing on SATURDAY, there is a sign in sheet by the desk near the WhiteBoard. We need some basic information to process waivers and get participant ages captured. It should be a ball and we are so looking forward to it!
Find a 1 RM Squat Clean
THEN: Take it down to 60% of that and complete 6 singles
20 Front Squats
30/23 Cal Row (male/female)
3 Rounds
Fitness 75/55
RX 95/65
RX+ 115/75
**Front Squats should be fairly light**
12 Min Time Cap