Murph Aftermath and Men's Night!
Congratulations to those who tackled Murph on Memorial Day! As we discussed, participating in ANY part of this workout is a great remembrance of our fallen servicemen servicewomen. Whether you did it RX with a vest, scaled the volume or split the reps with a friend, the symbolism of your efforts is the same.
This day also represents our Cove community at its finest. A special thanks to Mike Treas for manning the mile turn all day and giving everyone the support they needed midway on the run! Thank you to Larry for delivering his top notch meat in the Bullhead Pit Beef food truck and to Daniel for manning his grill for hours to deliver that delicious brisket. And to everyone who cooked, cleaned, stocked coolers and kept the kids’ water guns full… THANK YOU. #noplacelikecove
Keep in mind the prep for Murph does not end when you get home. Please continue to drink water, eat good proteins and REST. You deserve it.
June 2nd: Brovie WOD and Whiskey 6:30pm
BROVIES! It’s time for a bro session of barbells, booze, and bad decisions. Let’s together and hit a WOD and have some Whiskey (or other libation of your choosing). This has been an amazing night in the past and we can’t wait to see what the year has in store. Sorry ladies… this one is for the fellas only (for the workout itself), so you’ll have to hit a class before 6:30 that day or show up to bartend! And please do! More details will be posted on this blog as well as the BROVIE WOD AND WHISKEY Facebook Event Page.
Spend 1 Minute on Each:
Chest Stretch with a band
OH Stretch on a box
Couch Stretch
18 min EMOM
Min 1: 4 Deadlifts (70-80% of 1 RM)
Min 2: Easy pace on the Assault Bike
Min 3: 12 1 Arm DB Hang Clean and Press (6 with R and 6 with L)
Coach’s Tip: With over 100 athletes doing Murph yesterday and the need to recover, today’s programming style is a bit different than usual. We want to allow your body to recovery a little from the long grueling workout. There is no score today and no load for the 1 Arm DB hang clean and press. The assault bike should be a pace you can maintain for a whole minute every single round. Lets focus on movement today — not speed or load!
Post-Murph cookout. Heather H. is a woman who lives by code…