Open Gym 9a to Noon!
Huge congrats to everyone who’s conquered 17.4! If you have done it already, please submit your score to We will then have to “validate” your times, so PLEASE LEAVE THE TOP PORTION OF YOUR SCORESHEET by the Wodify station. Remember, you take the bottom strip (below the dotted line) and the top stays with us! This is one of those workouts we do NOT recommend retesting due to the high volume of deadlifts and movements that put strain on your lower back. PLEASE talk to us if you are thinking of it and we can make a decision together!
If you are working on barbell skills at Open Gym, be warned that Monday’s workout will be heavy on the barbell (so maybe rethink things and take the time to work on some gymnastics or general conditioning!)
We continue to preaching virtuous movement here at the Cove, and Coach Lyndsey certainly practices what she preaches!