Saturday, February 20th, 2015
Saturday we introduce the Snatch in a WOD for the first time. The snatch is a complex lift that will be new to many of you, but no worries — we will teach you step by step how to do it safely and effectively. It is a beautiful movement and really engages the entire body – and you’ll find uses so many of the principles we’ve been practicing including working from core to extremity, big hip extension and getting under the bar. Here’s a video demonstrating the Hanging Power Snatch:
12 minutes to find a heavy load with 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift + 2 Hanging Power Snatches
7 Hanging Power Snatches
30 Double Unders
7 Rounds
Time Cap = 15 minutes
Fitness 55/75 (60 singles)
RX 95/65
RX+ 115/75
Jen must REALLY think box jumps are fun. Good thing she’ll probably get to do them in the Open this year. If you haven’t yet, talk to the Coaches about signing up! We’re hoping for 100% participation!