CFH, owned by our very own “WODFather” Geo Rockwell, is closed this weekend as they are hosting the CrossFit Level One Staff for the Level One Course. When this happens, we invite their athletes down to come WOD with us (I mean, who wants to miss a workout, right?!). So give them a nice Cove welcome and introduce yourself to someone you might not recognize!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Come watch you fellow Cove Athletes compete at the Gemini Games at Titan CrossFit! We have F/F teams competing on Saturday in the scaled division (Nicole B./Ashley C. and Liz B. and Angela D.)! On Sunday we have the mixed gender groups competing. On the docket are Simone N./William S. and Coach Brian/Kim M.) in the scaled group. Misa F. and Coach John will be competing in the M/F RX division and Steve M and Coach Marina will take on the old folks in the RX Masters division!
Spectators are $10 at the door and all are welcome. We’d love the support! And if you can’t come, send those good Cove vibes our way and follow our progress on the Cove Club FB page!
Overhead Squats 5/5/3/3/3
50 M Sprint
8 Power Snatches
50 M Sprint
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 1 minute
4 Rounds
Fitness: 95/65
RX: 115/75
RX+: 135/95
Coach’s Tip:You will start the workout by the cone nearest your barbell. Pending class sides, we will have people on both sides the cones. You will run 50M and immediately get back to your barbell for 8 snatches. You will then run another 50M and come back to your same barbell for 10 Bar Facing Burpees. Once you have done the ten burpees you have done ONE round. Then rest one minute and go back to your starting position. Please be careful to control your barbell as we will have lots of people doing burpees around you. Drop the bar from your waist or place it down!
Not sure what Coach John is saying but it looks like he’s describing something “that big”. And Don looks very interested…