We hope everyone had a great weekend and survived the ice and cold. We are back at it on Monday with another week of amazing workouts.
The week will end differently, however, as the gym will have modified hours this upcoming weekend (February 20th and 21st). As you know, we recently renewed our affiliation with CrossFit and we are hosting their next L2 (advanced coaching) seminar. We are hoping to build a strong relationship with CrossFit to leverage their training expertise for our coaches in all aspects including Level I, Level II, and specialty courses (gymnastics, weightlifting, etc). Obviously, we want minimal impact on you and these events will selective and infrequent.
In addition to this, there are some other great updates that are validating our decision to be part of CrossFit again. There are new and exciting changes to the Open (more coming on this in the next few days!), we have more insight into the work the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity committee is doing and we have been contacted by our new CrossFit District Representative who is tasked for getting feedback from/working with regional affiliates. These are the positive changes we are craving and happy to see action.
Thank you in advance for working with us on the weekend changes, but we know this is a great relationship tool we can use to make things even better for everyone at the Cove!
Saturday 2/20: Open Gym 7 PM to 9 PM
Sunday 2/21: Open Gym 6:30-8:30 PM