Thursday 2/27/2020
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Chin Ups
Hang Power Snatch
Running Clock until 17:00
From 17:00 until 27:00
Establish a heavy Snatch
Fx: 75/55, Hanging Leg Raise, Ring Row (with Palms facing you)
P: 95/65
O: 115/75, Strict Chinup
Coach Daniel Tips:
This is the style of workout where the hardest part is in the first 3-4 rounds and then the rest should feel significantly better. Try and be more aggressive in the first few rounds and use larger sets than you want to (I promise it gets easier as the workout goes on). At no point should you be doing more than 3 sets in a round for any of the movements.
We don’t do chin-ups very often, but the movement isn’t too different from that of a pullup. Keep your core braced and try to incorporate your lats as much as possible. It’s definitely a lot more bicep than a regular pullup, so depending on your strengths/weaknesses this may actually feel easier than a strict pullup.
Tip for part 2: PR your snatch