- Sign up at the White Board at the front of the gym by putting your name on the division in which you want to join (we will be putting this up shortly)
- We will assign you two teammates to complete your team of three
- Teams will be three-person/mixed gender
- Teams will be announced on Monday, March 16th, so you MUST sign up by Wednesday, March 11th
- And, of course, they will be announced via a “must-see” Facebook Live event (as well as published on the blog and on the White Board).
TRUST US that while this format is slightly different from what you might be used to, we WILL make this a competition to remember!
In order to select which division is right for you, we have developed some ‘division standards’ as guidance. The weights listed should be “working weight”, meaning you should be able to perform 4-6 reps (not necessarily unbroken) for each of the movements below. It does not mean these movements will appear in the workouts, rather it is to help you judge your own individual capacity vs. the load demands of the two divisions. Also understand that you will be paired with a teammate so if a particular movement is a challenge for you then you will be able to lean in your teammate to help you out. It’s part of the fun of a team competition.
Clean and Jerk 95/65
Deadlifts 135/95
Jumping Pull Ups
Single Unders
Knees to Waist
Clean and Jerk 155/105
Deadlifts 225/155
Pull Ups
Double Unders
Toes 2 Bar
So, put your name up on that sign-up board. We want to see that thing FULL!
21-15-9 reps of:
Squat Cleans
Ring Dips
Time Cap: 13 min
Fx: 95/65, Box Dips
P/O: 135/95
3 rounds-
Superset w/ 10 Pendlay Row between rounds w/ workout weight
and 10 Ring Rows
Coach Mattie Tips:
Elizabeth- Another lady to conquer. Seeing a trend with these ladies Covies, why is it always a lady that gives us the most difficulty.?! Just a thought… 21-15-9 of cleans and ring dips. Easy breezy on the Cleans, Big sets on the cleans to give yourself time for the ring dips. Do smaller sets on the ring dips. We don’t do a lot of ring dips so your triceps will fatigue quickly and you will start to fail. Do them quickly as there is not a lot of time to finish. For example; 2 reps drop down then immediately get back up and do two more. You know your bodies and what they are capable of so pick a good number. Go get it!!!