Thursday, December 10th 2015
We are so excited that so many of you have signed up for the Double Under clinic on Saturday. Don’t forget that it is NOT JUST FOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE THEM. We’ll be working on many techniques to turn the confident jumper into an elite jumper. There are a few spots left so sign up on the White Board if you can make it!
Please don’t forget to sign up for NEXT FRIDAY’S Holiday WOD and Potluck (12/18 at 6:30p). Sign up by clicking the below image or signing up on the White Board at the gym. I know it is the same day as the premiere of Star Wars, but I think Yoda would understand. Or just go see the noon showing and come in with tons of spoilers for everyone else!
Finally, we will be running our last foundations of 2015 NEXT WEEK (12/14 Monday, 12/16 Wednesday and 12/17 Thursday) at 7:30p each night. Let’s get those friends and family members who have procrastinated their 2015 resolutions to get a jump start on 2016!
OTMEM for 7 minutes
7 Pull ups (score = total pull ups completed, scale down to a # you can maintain)
(Retest from Thursday September 10th)
15 Hanging Power Cleans
15 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Rounds
Fitness 115/75
RX 135/95
RX+ 155/105