Wednesday, December 9th 2015
Every Wednesday we will celebrate the “wins” (big or small) that are achieved by our Cove athletes with the support of this amazing community.
Today we give a big congrats to Irina K. on the birth of her healthy and happy baby girl Sophia. Irina worked out until her delivery and lost little/no strength and throughout her pregnancy. She attribute’s Sophie’s easy birth to CrossFitting. Her contractions were furious, very fast and strong and were coming every minute. The doctor and the nurses were really worried that Sofia was going to go in distress, but she was not phased at all. She was all happy in there the entire delivery and she totally believe it’s because she was used to “extra stress” while she was working out! It required a bit of creativity to get her through the WODs (see her ‘make room for belly’ burpee set ups), but she’s a role model for ALL moms-to-be!
Making room for belly…
Still one of the strongest ladies at the Cove. And she was lifting for two!
Hollow Hold to Superman Roll- 10 reps
1 Min Couch Stretch
1 in Shoulder Distraction with a Band
(2 Rounds)
5 Handstand Push ups
7 Deadlifts
21 Air Squats
5 Rounds
Fitness: 155/105
RX: 225/155
RX+: 245/165