Thursday, May 7th 2015
AMAZING work on the Deadlifts today! We’ll compile the data tomorrow when all scores are in, but with the number of PR badges on the WhiteBoard today I think we will see massive increases.
Speaking of data, here’s a bit of nerdy analysis of the Push Jerk increases. We had 20 athletes PR the Push Jerk. Comparing the our 1 RM test versus the start this strength cycle to their prior 1RM lifts we saw an overall increase of 415 lbs collectively! We had PRs increase as much as 185%. Whatever your number is, be proud. I’m guessing most people you stop in the street would drop their jaws if you shared what you’ve accomplished. And maybe be a bit scared of you.
A quick reminder about this Friday’s Whole30 Potlock following the 6:30 WOD. Please be sure to invite your friends and supporters (even if they’re not members). All are welcome to WOD AND eat on Bring a Friend Friday! To make sure we all don’t bring grilled chicken or cauliflower rice, we’ve created a sign up for on SignUpGenius. If you could fill in what you’re bringing we can better ensure we’ll have a nice variety of foods to sample!