Thursday, November 3rd, 2015
It’s a day late, but trust us… it’s worth the wait. As you’ll see, patience is a virtue…
Today we shine a light on one of our favorite night owls, Gerard S. Gerard has been with us for one year and what a year it’s been! When he started he was sometimes the only guy in the class. Last week he looked around and it was 20 people. We think it’s because everyone wants to ‘be like Gerard’.
If we could sum up Gerard’s time here in one word, it would be PATIENCE. He had been a student athlete in the past — he used to do pull ups, squats and lots of things we do here. But he couldn’t any more. He came to us with knee problems. He had a prior injury, stopped working out, and wasn’t making it to the “regular” gym. He got interested in CrossFit and set out to find a place he could all home. His intention was to try out all the boxes in the area, but he came into the Cove as his first stop and never left.
When he started here he described it as “humbling”. While many people get frustrated right away, he instead said “Well, you are where you are.” Because of his knee issues, we scaled almost everything. He patiently did light weights and box squats. He came 3- 4 times to week (shoots for 4, settles on 3). It was slow and steady. He didn’t worry about lifting the heaviest. Just lifting better. He went from squatting 50lbs on a 24″ box and kept lowering the box until the form got there. Eventually he was squatting full depth with double the weight easily. And all of that without lifting “heavy”.
October 1st was a year for him and the Clash at the Cove Competition was the week of his anniversary. Not only does he have more wind, more energy and is stronger, everything about how he moves is impressive. Gerard’s journey reminds us that movements have been TRAINED… and eventually they will become second nature. With PATIENCE.

When I asked him “Did you hit a PR at the competition on your power clean?”, his answer was “I don’t know”. Not worrying about the numbers is what got him where he is today. He doesn’t obsess about the weight. He just does the work.
And FYI, it was a 35lb PR.
Back Squat
Take 100% of your 10 rep back squat and hit 7/7/7
10 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Deadlifts
3 Rounds
Fitness: 185/125
RX: 225/155
RX+: 245/165
Coach’s Tip: Find a weight on the deads that you can manage in sets of two for each round. The hammies and glutes will be fired up, so PLEASE shake it off before you hit the box. Explosive on the jump and soft on the landing is what we’re looking for!
This is so fantastic we don’t even mind the T-Rex sized chalk prints on the floor!