Wednesday, November 2nd 2016
12 Minute EMOM
Even: ___ Thrusters
Odd: ___ Toes to Bar
Fitness: 7/7 75/55
RX: 9/9 95/55
RX+: 11/11 95/55
Rest 6-8 minutes
500 M Sprint on the Erg
Rest 2 Minutes
500 M Sprint on the Erg
Score = Slowest time
Coach’s Tip: The skill wod is unscored. Think of a number you think you can maintain for the two movements while giving yourself 15 to 20 seconds of rest. Focus on good form with good torso position with your thruster and staying engaged with your toes-to-bar.
GREAT to see Chelsea D. jumping back into the 5:30a swing of things!