Thursday, October 15th 2015
We love how everyone continues to push themselves (and each other) every time you step in the gym. We work hard, we celebrate PRs and fist pump or high five after a good WOD. But we haven’t done a great job of celebrating the bigger milestones along the way. Running a faster 5K race. Fitting into those jeans you had saved in the back of the closet. Or even just celebrating all the newfound energy you have now.
Everyone comes to the Cove for different reasons and we’d love to highlight the “wins” you have in your individual fitness journey. In order to make this a more regular part of how we share our successes, we are starting “Wednesday Wins” on the blog and on Facebook. We would LOVE to motivate each other even MORE by talking about all the good that’s come from all of this hard work!
If you have a personal story to share, we’d really love to hear from you. Some of you have shared privately some personal victories and we’ll find you and ask if we can share them more broadly. Let’s celebrate each other more often and find even more motivation from those around us!
20 Banded pull aparts
30 seconds of hollow rocks
30 seconds of hip extensions
(3 Rounds)
Freddy’s Revenge
5 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Burpees
5 Rounds
Fitness 115/75
RX 165/110
RX+ 185/125
**13 min Time Cap**
**This is not really an official WOD, but here is the back story**
Myrissa briefing the Cove climbers as they take on Adventure Park last weekend…