Thursday, October 29th, 2015
Another round of Free CrossFit 101 Classes will be starting next week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 PM. If you have someone that might be interested in attending please have them email us at We also want everyone to know that if you would like to review some of the fundamentals of CrossFit you are always welcome to attend any of the classes. Monday we work on squats and presses, Wednesday deadlifts and cleans, and Friday we finish with snatches and pull ups.
Today we will be working on the split jerk. The split jerk requires the athlete the land in a balanced lunge position. This provides us with a more stable and lower receiving position allowing us to get more weight overhead. It does however require a great amount of practice to really nail down the footwork.
We are also excited to retest a workout we did way back on June 22nd. Let’s ring that PR bell today!
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
Take 10 minutes to find a heavy load
21 Push Press
400 M Run
18 Push Press
400 M Run
15 Push Press
400 M Run
**every time you drop the bar it is a 200 M penalty run**
Fitness: 95/65
RX: 115/75
RX+: 135/95
20 Minute Time Cap
Re-test from Monday June 22nd.