Tuesday, April 5th 2016
1. Sometimes you have to ‘undo’ years of training improperly and that means taking a few steps back before you make giant leaps forward. So getting lower in the lunge, keeping that back toe in and pressing from the rack position might all be new to you. And awkward. Only repetition and time will get you comfortable enough to retrain your body to move and some people just need that extra time. So we guarantee, that if you are one of these people, you may have actually lifted less, but you likely looked MUCH better doing it! Form first and the weight will come. Promise.
2. They require you to come often enough to get the benefit of the programming. Everyone has hectic schedules (and we totally understand) but trying to make it for skill work making up strength days during Open Gym will go a long way. Consistency is king!
3. Even though you may have hit the training cycle spot on, sometimes you just have an ‘off day’. Don’t let this bring you down if you think you could have done more. Give it a week or two and try again. Sometimes you’re sore from the prior day, had a long day at work (or a long night up with kids) and it’s just not ‘your day’. No worries! There’s always another try.
Yesterday we mentioned we’ve been playing with mixing up the order of our strength and skill lately — and that a few other shifts are coming in the next weeks. Yesterday was a great example as we had the majority of class focused on a single lift and an untimed METCON. Today we are ALL metcon!
COACH’S TIP: It is always the ones that look easy on paper that are actually the hardest. 20 Minutes of work today. Barbell work, conditioning and gymnastics all at play. The focus here is to work for the whole 40 seconds. Your burpees can be slow, but do not stop moving.
Some of the lovely ladies of 16.5…