Monday, April 4th 2016
You may have noticed we’ve been playing with mixing up the order of our strength and skill lately — and you should notice a few other shifts in the coming weeks. We all want to get in a great workout, but we don’t want to lose our focus on continually refining technique and movement patterns.
Often times we cover a LOT in class and we think it’s important to take the time to really dial in on the coaching for certain elements of our training. As you all develop and progress (which you have!) nuance becomes REALLY important. Not that the basics are not (as we are all at different levels) but we feel the extra time and attention to detail will pay off in spades for every single athlete at the Cove. So, some days you will see more time spent on the strength or skill (and maybe a shorter WOD). And some days we will be laser focused on the WOD (so we can really nail the movements and not just ‘gut it out’).
Today is a great example of this. Our sole focus today is on our 1 RM Split Jerk. Everyone will get a solid warm up and take the time to use the skill and technique work you have learned over the past 6 weeks to hit a new PR. Then we will have an “un-scored” WOD designed to focus less on the clock and more on finding a workload and volume appropriate for YOU. And as always with one rep max days, don’t put too much pressure on yourself! Even if the numbers don’t go up, we can pretty much guarantee you look much better executing that split jerk than you did a few weeks ago. And the weight will follow… we promise.
COACH’S TIP: There will be no score and no “official” weights for the EMOM. Use it as a time to practice and not worry about the score board. We can scale your doubles accordingly (even if you only have a handful, we’d rather you take that minute and practice) and athletes should pick a weight they can do all eight push presses unbroken.
Coach Mike warming up the evening class for some heavy squat cleans…