Tuesday, December 6th 2016
____burpee box jumps
rest time = work time
60 thrusters for time
Rest time = Work time
70 cal row for time
Fitness: (30) 75/55
RX: (40) 95/65
RX+: (50) 95/65
Time Cap: 22 minutes
Coach’s Tip: There are SO many ways to tackle this workout so please think about your strengths and weaknesses and scale accordingly! We focused on the strength yesterday and today it’s all about the METCON. BUT, your legs will come into play here so pick a barbell weight that is light and you can move quickly while fatigued or recovering from the back squats Monday. The burpee volume varies and we want you to pick a volume you can do in just around 5 minutes. That means a pace of 10 burpee box jumps per minute for RX +, 8 for RX and 6 for FX. We don’t want your ‘rest period’ to be more than 5 minutes before you get after the Thrusters and the Row. There will be a 22 minute time cap for this workout!