Tuesday, February 9th 2016
Stay tuned to the blog and FaceBook for any scheduling updates. As of now we are planning on running a normal schedule tomorrow but, as always, safety of our athletes and coaches is the number priority. We’ll do everything in our power to be open despite the snow so you can shake that cabin fever and get a sweat on!
Congratulations to everyone who did the Paleo Retest today. We saw some amazing gains over such a short period of time — it was truly incredible! A few highlights included Mike U. taking almost 90 seconds off his time AND upping his wall ball from 14b to 20lb. New(ish) member Alan M. went from a 45lb barbell to 95lb, upped his wall ball to 14lb (from 10) AND took 30 seconds off his time. And (soon to be) Coach Maria upped the weight by 20lbs and still shaved a minute off. There were wins across the board and too many to mention all of them — all in all, a GREAT day for the Cove athletes!
If you didn’t get a chance to come in and retest, come on in during open gym or do the WOD during a regular class time to see how you’ve improved!
The Open is just around the corner and we really want to mix things up this year and encourage EVERYONE to participate. Here’s the plan:
For those of you not aware, The CrossFit Open consists of 5 workouts announced over 5 weeks. Starting on Feb. 26th we will do all the workouts at the Cove on Fridays. This means the announced Open WOD will be the Friday WOD every week in lieu of partner WODs. PLUS we will have a special “Friday Night Lights” Open WOD in lieu of the regular 6:30p class. That means we do a big team WOD event, we act as judges for each other and hang around for drinks after. Maybe we can even bust out the disco ball.
Don’t worry if you can’t make it every Friday (or any Friday for that matter) and still want to do the Open. You can do the WOD any time between Thursday night at 8p when the workouts are announced and Monday afternoon when scores need to be submitted. Show up, do your best, and put in your score. The twist this year is that we will be creating mini teams within our own Cove community.
How it works: You sign up for the Open via the CrossFit Games Site – and select CrossFit Cove as your home box. Once you are registered we will put you on a team.
We are assigning four team “captains” to head up four different teams. These captains will be actively recruiting you to sign up for the Open. You MAY end up on their team, you may not… their job is to make sure we have the biggest representation possible for the Open.
THEN we assign the teams. Each week we will meet at the Cove on Friday night to complete the WOD with your team. You can earn your team points in a few different ways. We will be adding more scoring opportunities but here is a taste of the things we will be looking for:
- Show up on Friday night to participate and enter a score (2 points)
- Enter a score, even if it is not Friday night (1 point)
- Best Selfie Submitted via Team Captain (weekly) (5 Points)
- Spirit of the Open (weekly) (5 points)
- Best team name
- Best social media presence
(many of these will be judged by the Cove coaches each week!)
Our four team captains are:
– Justin Fontaine
– Lindsey Black
– William Stewart
– Allie Bradley
We’re all coming after you, so get ready to sign up!!!!
1-2 Rope Climbs
10 Bird Dogs (pause two seconds on the top)
20 Second Hollow Hold
3 Rounds
2 Minutes On, 2 Minutes Off:
COVE COACH’S TIP: Each round of Deadlifts (18 reps) should be unbroken so find a weight that you can MOVE QUICKLY. Because rest is built in, it should be a SPRINT during the work intervals. Hips do NOT need be open at the top of the box, so stay in a nice low squat on the top of the box with a quick touch of the two feet and get right to the other side. As always, take a moment to shake the legs off once you finish the deads to insure you don’t stumble on that first rep!
Lena R. and Maegan D. make seated box jumps look EASY…