Tuesday, March 15th 2015
12 min EMOM
Even: Supine Ring Row (10-15 reps)
ODD: Noes to Wall Handstand Hold (30-40 seconds)
Two Minutes on One Minute off for 15 minutes
30 Wall Balls
Max Double Unders
Fitness: 14/10
RX: 20/14
RX+: 20/14 One attempt at DUs (only pick this option if you can hit +20 every set)
COACH’S TIP: The set of WB should be unbroken or in two quick sets. You should have about 1:00-45 seconds for doubles every set. Interval work is always good for building the engine, but also focus on big sets of wall balls today.
New member Susan A. getting after the wall ball/run WOD last week. Just a few weeks in and she’s amazing!
Be sure to say hi and introduce yourself when you see her…