Wednesday, March 16th 2016
Today we do the skill WOD at the end of class. It is always good to switch things up and this way you will not be “saving” yourself for the WOD, so it’s time to go all out!
Power Cleans
600 M Run after each set
Fitness: 95/65
RX: 135/95
RX+: 155/105
**Lets build up that running endurance. Cleans can be in singles. Focus on a good pace for each 600M run. And be sure to attack that last one.**
15 Hip Extensions
15 Sit ups
30 Second Plank
4 Rounds
Jayme B. is a regular 5:30am-er who consistently works hard and challenges herself. This week she conquered the WOD RX by pacing her reps but upping the box height. Way to go!