Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
Here is a picture of Coach Matt with CrossFit superstar athlete James Hobart (one of the OG’s of CrossFit). Coach Matt just completed the CrossFit Level II seminar and is excited to bring his new found coaching knowledge to the Cove. We are firm believers in continuing education as coaching staff and we are always striving to improve our understanding of movement and how we can better teach it.
Coach Chris is also off to gain some new skills. He’s set to take the CrossFit Gymnastics certification this weekend so look forward to some interesting warm ups and new tips for improving everything from pull ups to muscle ups in the near future!
Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks X 7 (build up in weight)
**Between each set hit 3 jerk balances with pvc or empty bar**
1 Clean and Jerk
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders
10 Rounds
Fitness: 135/95
RX: 185/125
RX+: 205/135 (30 Dubs)
COACH’S TIP: A different type of stimulus today. The load on the C&J should be heavy enough that after each round you need to take 15-30 seconds to compose yourself for the lift. Pick a challenging load, but something you can lift with good form while fatigued.
Ahna and Tanique give new meaning to the phrase “ladies who lunch” by crushing the noon WOD…