Tuesday, October 18th 2016
Every 2 Minutes for 14 minutes:
3 Snatch (High Hang, Mid Thigh, Floor)
Power or squat allowed
Coach’s Tip: Build in load, but emphasis should be speed and technique. You can drop between reps, or cycle through depending on your own individual goal.
10 Power Snatch
3 Bar Muscle ups
AMRAP in 7 minutes
Fitness: (55/35) Pull Ups
RX: (75/55) Chest to Bar
RX+:(75/55) Bar Muscle ups
Coach’s Tip: Bar muscle ups in a WOD… WHAT?! One of the great things we heard in the survey is that we should embrace our diversity in abilities more often and today we apply that to the programming. Today we take this to heart and offer a range of movement based on a broader level of skill. Remember a good progression leads to the movement — attempting bar muscle ups for 7 minutes does NOT make for a good day of training! You should be hitting over 4 rounds and be proficient at bar muscle ups to be attempting to do them in the WOD!
Paul K and Zac F await the final countdown to their FOURTH and final WOD!