Tuesday, October 20th 2015
Over the last couple of months the Cove has been growing in membership. Whether you’ve been here a week or six months, we ask that you greet these new members with a smile and an encouraging word. Even if you know someone isn’t new but you haven’t met them, there’s nothing easier than extending your hand and just saying “nice to meet you”. CrossFit can be a scary thing, but we believe the Cove can truly be a place for everyone. The strength of this gym is its supportive community of athletes, so lets be sure to go out of our way to welcome these athletes.
A great example of this happened this past Saturday. A trepidatious first-time CrossFitter came to the Saturday class and was about to go solo through the WOD. Alyissa W. had come to the gym to work on her own skills but instead jumped right in to work out with the newbie. This is a perfect example of the supportive culture that has made this such a special place.
Take 10 Minutes For:
10-20 Handstand Push ups
then 4 Wall Climbs (with a 15-20 second pause at the top)
7 Hanging Power Snatch
14 Sit Ups
21 Double Unders
14 min AMRAP
Fitness 75/55
RX 95/65
RX+ 1115/75 (DUs must be unbroken)
Adi looking pretty badass at a very early hour…