Wednesday, November 9th, 2016
Today we shine the spotlight inward and celebrate our very own Coach Brittany. Many of you know her from leading great classes or through F.L.E.X. Nutrition, but because she is one of the most humble people out there, we want to shout from the rooftops about her own personal accomplishments on her behalf!
Coach Brittany and her three-woman team just qualified for Wodapalooza! For those of you who don’t know what this is, it is a three day CrossFit competition in Miami for elite level athletes. A) it is a VERY big deal and b) it attract’s the world’s best, so the competition is FIERCE to even qualify (top 30 teams in each division are invited to compete).
Some of you might look at Brittany and think, “I’m not surprised. She’s a beast”. Yes, that’s true. But that wasn’t always the case. Most of us assume that when you see someone fit they were always that way (and maybe even resented them a bit). But you have no idea journey they may have been on. Brittany’s journey is an amazing one (and she has had so many struggles we can all relate to), so it’s no surprise she is an inspiration to so many. It certainly isn’t easy… and it takes a LOT of work… but she is proof that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.
She was not born a naturally gifted athlete nor blessed with the genetic make up of a six pack. She never played sports and couldn’t hang from a bar for ten seconds. For most of her life, she struggled with her weight, her body image and her eating… and tried every trick in the book to “fix it”. But the struggle was real and not going away.
In 2011 she discovered CrossFit and for her, it refined ‘beauty’ and what it meant to be ‘skinny’. She shifted the lens through which she viewed herself. She focused on the weight she added to the barbell vs the weight that appeared on the scale.
She cleaned up her eating and started fueling her body with the nutrients it needed (in fact, she’s now built a business off of this simple principle!). And while she’s a beast for sure, she’s not a machine. She is human. She might have too many drinks on a night out. She might fall face first into a Ben and Jerry’s pint on occasion. But she realizes that 1) life IS about balance and 2) you just have to get back on track before you derail.
Brittany is an experienced CrossFitter by almost any definition. She’s far past that “CrossFit Honeymoon” where every day is a PR, yet she is proof the romance doesn’t have to end. Even at an elite level, her growth is staggering. She went into this past year’s Open without bar muscle ups and got her first in that workout. And then proceeded to hit four rounds of them.
She is a regular person doing exceptional things. Scratch that — she is an exceptional person doing things a “regular person” can do — with a lot of work and heart. And we couldn’t be prouder of her.
1 Minute at each station
Hollow hold (15 seconds on 15 seconds off)
Bench OH Stretch (stretch for 1 minute)
Scap Push ups (shoot for 15 reps)
2 rounds
6 Power Cleans
12 Toes to Bar
1 Rope Climb
12 Pistols
AMRAP 12 minutes
Fitness: (95/65)
RX: (115/75)
RX+: (135/95)
Coach’s Tip: Worry less about the clock and focus more on the SKILL involved in today’s workout. Pistols should be alternating (so 6 per leg) and you should strive for big pulls on the rope to cover a lot of distance. If it normally takes you 4 or 5 pulls, shoot for 3-4. The coaches will cover lots of scaling options for those new to these movements and give good tips to those more proficient to move efficiently!
This is not an optical illusion. Taylan, at full extension, practically reaches the ceiling!