Wednesday Wins — Team "Fresh Start"!
Exactly one year ago, a group of women changed the Cove forever. We started our first 6-Week Challenge and the impact these women have had on us is not only deep, it is profound. Since then we’ve run four more challenges, and we’d argue these women paved the way for the rest — and changed a lot of lives on the way. Including ours.
Cara H., Vanessa H., Caroline M., Brittany M., Becky G., Stephanie A, Nassim E., Katie S. (now married and Katie E.!), Nicole B, Chelsea D., Angel B., and Deb B. all deserve a HUGE congratulations for accomplishing an amazing feat. Making a lifestyle pivot the way they did is not only difficult, it is unimaginable to some. But they did it. And went FAR beyond the six weeks and are now celebrating ONE YEAR at the Cove.
The great thing about this challenge is that it was a win-win. We, as owners and coaches, took so much from this past year, and so did they. Here are a few anecdotes from some of these amazing women:
Cara H: I gained fitness for life. Literally. People ask “oh are you still doing the CrossFit thing?” My response is “Yes I don’t think I’ll ever stop. I LOVE it.” That is the polite response. I want to laugh and say “DUH! You Crazy!?!” lol But I can’t say enough about the “for life” thing. In this last year I have conquered more home projects and tasks then ever. And each time I’m amazed at how I feel physically and mentally. Painting a room would leave me sore and achy for days, now I’m jumping on counter tops and squatting down all crazy!! And mentally as well, before I’d procrastinate about the task at hand. Now I have a more can do attitude approach to things. And that’s seriously all has been gained just through showing up at the Cove and participating.
Vanessa H: I am in better shape now than I have ever been before in my life. My BMI and Body fat are lower than they have been since my teenage years. More important, working out is not something I “have” to do, but something I am looking forward to be doing! I have found friends at the Cove! And since my husband joined we both have “a hobby” now which we enjoy doing together (on Friday as a date night!) or to talk about for the rest of the week!
Stephanie A: Wow…the changes that can happen in one year are indescribable. When I started at the Cove, it was just by chance – I saw an ad roll across my Facebook newsfeed about a New You Challenge being offered. I had just broken up with a guy that I was very incompatible with. In fact, one of the last things he said to me is that he had been resenting me because of my weight. I had always had insecurities about my weight and size. But, just hearing that from him was the catalyst to surge my anger and get more involved to break out of my mostly sedentary lifestyle. To say that I was apprehensive is an understatement. I signed up the Thursday or Friday before the Challenge was to begin on Monday, April 18th. I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I had never really researched CrossFit and only heard of it in passing. But, I dove in – why not? What’s the worst that could happen?
Stephanie chronicled her journey EVERY DAY she came to the gym. Here’s a recent post below (and a “before pic” above of her going heavy a year ago)… hardly recognizable!
Fast forward to now – March 2016. In this year I have experienced some of the most incredible highs of my life and some of the most crushing blows. But even with the low points, I used them as motivation and fuel to overcome my own self-doubt. I have experienced amazing weight loss, muscle/strength “gainz” (lol), but most of all – the self-esteem boost that I’ve only felt when I was playing sports in high school. This community is what has kept me coming back time and time again. The people that have committed to the Cove and value it have left their impression on me. I love this place. Truly. Brian and Marina really are like our parents in that they watch over us and push us to see what they know our abilities are. They’re also those cool parents that will drink with you and collude with your “after hours/ happy hours” habits. So clutch! (lol) And the coaches…what can you really say then they are simply top-notch and amazing. They’re supportive, grind hard, motivating, and straight kick-ass! I have to give a special shout-out to my 5:30 am crew – we are a special breed of people to keep consistent with the ungodly hour that we wake up to work out. But I love it. All of you are simply AMAZING and you are 90% of the reason I still get my ass up to come in the morning. Lol
At the 2-Year Cove Anniversary party, I received the Biggest Transformation Award. I wasn’t expecting it, and I can definitely say that all of the New You / Fresh Start athletes are taking a piece of the award along with me. We’ve all morphed into these sexy ass, beast mode, WOD-loving Covies. It’s kind of incredible. And all of you have contributed to all of that – the entire Cove community. So, thank you. Thank you for being there for us, pushing us, crying with us, celebrating with us, embracing us. I know WE ALL appreciate it.
After one year, it’s only the beginning. The beginning of the healthy lifestyle we’ve internalized and now look forward to living. It’s only the beginning. We’re only beginning to show out and become more badass! And, yes, my gym posts and selfies will continue on…#OGNewYou
Caroline M.: I’ve found a new common interest with Kyle (her husband). SIDE NOTE: SHE ALSO GOT HER SISTER AND DAD TO JOIN!) It’s fun to be able to have the same “hobby” with your significant other. We always have something to talk about at 8pm when the blog updates! It’s nice to have a healthy positive interest in your life 🙂
I was a competitive soccer player growing up so I miss that “team/competiveness” of sports. Before I started Crossfit I would get so annoyed hearing about it all the time. Once I started I totally understood.
The people. I have met so many nice people who I would have never come across in Columbia without CF. These people make me want to come each day and make it fun. It’s so nice that everyone is very family friendly which makes it easy with young kids. I feel like crossfit is half working out and half the “community”. Also, it’s allowed me to see Meredith and my dad more than I normally would with everyone’s busy schedules.
A big milestone for me was finally going shopping for new clothes last weekend and fitting back into “almost” everything pre Maddie born a year ago. This is huge for me. It was so nice to be able to shop for “real clothes” at Nordstroms! I really didn’t get serious after I had my first and am where I was with him 18 months later and was also three years younger! In a year I lost 48 lbs and gained muscle.
My goals for the next year are to continue to improve form. I really want to do the next barbell club. Also, increase my weight and push myself more. I think I don’t push myself enough and could do much more.
Like we said, though, this is a win-win. As a coaching staff, we couldn’t ask for better athletes to walk through the door. Every single one was incredible “coachable”. They listened, learned and trusted us to up the weights… or scale them down. They take the tips we give them them every time we see that movement. And they are CONSISTENT. They keep regular schedules and make their fitness a priority. And when one doesn’t show, there’s a flurry of texts FaceBook messages holding them accountable to each other. They know their limits (but still push them!) and will always choose form over weight.
And most importantly, they remind us of why we do what we do. We’ll tell anyone who asks “We are NOT in the fitness business. We are in the business of changing lives”. But the most surprising and wonderful about that longtime belief, is that we had NO idea how much they’d change ours.
Thank you, OGs. We are forever grateful to know you.
25 min EMOM
1: 40 Seconds of Double Unders
2: 15 KB Swings
3: 15/12 Cals on the Rower
4: 12 Thrusters
5: Rest
Fitness: 75/55, 35/26
RX: 95/65, 53/35
RX+: 115/75, 70/53
Coach’s Tip: EMOM Wednesday! These workouts have been a crowd favorite (for those who love to find the pain cave) and we continue the pattern again. The goal is to have SOME rest before each movement, so if you aren’t getting at least 15 seconds between each, lower the weight or lower the volume!
And another OG, Nicole B. I mean, #amazeballs wouldn’t exist without this amazing force of nature!