100,000 Meter Street Challenge Is Back!
A tradition at the Cove for the past 8 years has been the holiday row challenge which has become even more special to us that it is now the 100,000 Meter Street Challenge.
The row challenge was created to encourage people to do a little extra work during the holidays. It was a favorite time of the year of our beloved member, Terry Street, who passed away three years ago. If you didn’t know Terry, he was the warmest, most thoughtful, positive person. He LOVED the challenge. It gave him an excuse to hang out with others and when you walked out of the gym, you couldn’t help but smile as Terry just was so happy to be there and to be with you.
In honor of Terry, we are asking participants in the challenge to make a contribution to Team RWB in his name. Terry was a veteran and very involved with issues involving former members of the military. Team RWB very much represents Terry’s love of community and connection. Below is a snippet of their mission, which very much represents the values and ideals of Terry.
“Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) exists to guide them through that journey with real-life and virtual opportunities focused on building a healthier lifestyle because a strong focus on mental and physical health is critical to ensuring veterans’ best days are ahead.”
In the past, we have asked for a $25 donation, but please just make any donation that might make sense for you to Team RWB here.
To the challenge itself, you have the day AFTER Thanksgiving until December 31st to accumulate 100,000M on the Erg (rower) or equivalent meters running or on the bike. If the rower isn’t your cup of tea, you could look to hit the assault bike, concept 2 bike, or run over that period of time. Here are the target numbers if you choose not to row.
Running: 50 miles (1 mile = 2000 meters)
Assault Bike: 1200 Calories = (1000 meters = 120 cals)
Concept 2: 400,000 meters (1000 meters = 4000 meters biked)
You can mix and match these numbers as well
What do I need to do to sign up? Not much! Just slap your name on the temporary whiteboard by the beverage fridges. We will eventually transfer the names to the main whiteboard once the current pull up challenge is finished.
Why are doing this? We started it as a way to burns some xtra calories but Terry has made it so much more. He made it a celebration of life, love, togetherness, and community. So please put your name on the whiteboard and get ready to row!