Coaches competing at the Flex at the Mall
Congratulations of Coach John and Coach Ashley
A big shout out to Coach John and Coach Ashley (yogi extraordinaire) competed this past weekend at the Flex at the Mall and did great at a very challenging competition. Thanks so all the supporters for the athletes (#thecoverollsdeep) and if you might be interested in trying a competition yourself let us know and we can help you find one.
8-10 Strict Pull ups
8-10 Single Arm DB Rows
4 Rounds
Open: 5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Slam Balls
20- 1 Arm Push Press (10 each side)
50 Double Unders
4 Rounds
**You choose the DB weight, it should be 10 in a row**
Fitness: 100 Singles
Performance: 50 Doubles
Open: (sub 10 toes to bar for 10 Slam Balls) 75 Doubles
Coach’s Tip: The push press is going to make the doubles difficult if you are using your shoulders too much. This is where it is so important to be sure to drive the rope from the wrist and not the shoulder.