“Giddy Up”
2 Min AMRAP for 16 minutes:
(Partner One hits the 2 minute AMRAP then rests while Partner Two goes)
200 M Run
Max Hanging Power Snatch
Directly into
2 Min AMRAP for 16 minutes
200 M Row
Max Hanging Clean and Jerk
Fitness: 75/55
Performance: 95/65
Open: 115/75
Coach’s Tip: Pick a load you can do for at least 5 unbroken reps after the run. The clean and jerks are not easier they are more challenging. Everything is done from the hang so it is very important to keep a good position. Really focus on getting your power from the hip hinge (not an arm pull) and shoot for clean and efficient moment. Remember… when the elbow bends, the power ends!
Welcome back the Griswolds… oh, wait.. the Michelotti’s… from their European vacation. Here’s some family bonding from a few Fridays back!