Competitor's Class Saturday Morning!
We are so excited to see so many people interested in joining the Competitor’s Class and programming we are testing out. We are expecting a great group tomorrow and look forward to a great session. Remember that we are doing a 15 minute ‘meeting’ after the WOD to answer questions and talk more about the goals of this program! See you bright and early!
8 Bulgarian Split Squats (with DB or KB) (8 per leg)
8 RDLs
8 Glute Bridges
3 Rounds
50 Air Squats
40 KB Swings
30/20 Assault Bike Cals
Fitness: 35/26
Performance: 53/35
Open: 70/53
Coach’s Tip: The strength work is to compliment our squat cycle. The WOD should be fast and dirty– like REALLY fast. We’re talking under 5 minutes!
Nothing make us happier than this Cove OG Andy M. walking through the doors last night! Just like riding a bike (well… erg)!