Sunday, March 21st, 2020
It has been a stressful week as we are adjusting to our response to COVID-19, but we did, indeed survive it together. Sunday is generally a day of rest and recovery and we would encourage you to keep that tradition as well. We have Coach Katie F’s yoga class at 9 AM via Facebook Live on the Cove the Club.
A suggestion for you is to enjoy the outside world while maintaining physical distancing (I like that term so much more versus social distancing). Go play tennis, shoot some hoops, go for a hike, bike ride, or jog.
A final thought to close out today’s “Daily WOD” page is to be so thankful for all of you encouraging and connecting with one another. Part of health isn’t just about our bodies but our mental and social needs. Whether it be the battle over handstands sparked by Coach Daniels’ upside programming discussion, the different whiteboard questions (love the celebrity pictures), or just pictures of people working out – they have made this period of isolations just feel a little more connected. Thank you all for supporting this community. In every sense. THANK YOU.
Jessica M heating a 10 minute handstand. That girl loves a challenge.