We’re sure most of you have seen the headlines detailing that Covid cases are on the rise. With the Governor and local officials implementing stricter regulations to curb the spread, we want to assure you we are going to do everything possible to continue to keep you safe. We have heard from several of you that your concerns are elevated — and we completely understand that! So we wanted to pass along a few things we will be doing to even further decrease transmission odds here at the Cove:
Experts have recommended “open air ventilation” in indoor spaces — which means, allowing natural air in. Maximizing ventilation, and avoiding recirculation, can reduce viral load in the air, thereby lowering the risk of severe Covid 19 infections, they believe. We will continue to run fans to keep the air circulating (despite the dropping temps). Please bring extra layers as it may be a bit chilly in the box.
We are investing in an air quality monitoring devices to better understand air quality at the gym. If we are in a room with several people, the measurement of the CO2 concentration provides a measure of what percentage of the air we inhale which consists of air that has already been exhaled by other people. CO2 measurement is just one of the easier ways we can reduce risk from potentially infectious aerosols and we plan to monitor this variable closely and make air flow adjustments as needed.
You can take equipment outside ANY time to do outdoor workouts! While it won’t be a coached experience, grab a buddy and get the work done in the fresh and crisp air. We have a speaker and clock available to you at any time to best replicate the indoor experience.
Remember to wear your mask any time you are away from your workout station. We are doing our best to keep most equipment 10+ feet apart, but any time you go grab gear or hit the restrooms, wear your mask!
The Cove’s fire code occupancy rate is 97 people. Even if restrictions take us to 25% capacity (they are in other counties), we are (and will continue) to run classes far below that level to maximize spacing and distancing.
To that end, we set up stations each day based on what we think are minimum recommendations for distancing. If you want to spread out more, DO SO! We have so much underutilized space right by the side doors and garage doors. These spots have awesome airflow and can get you more than 20’ away from anyone else. Do not hesitate to make that space your own!
As always, use hand sanitizer, wash your hands and spray down that gear!
We feel confident that these things will help us keep transmission odds low at the Cove (and luckily it has so far). Be smart. Be considerate. And know your safety is THE most important thing to us.
If you are feeling uncomfortable at any time, PLEASE come talk to us. Keeping this as the best hour of your day (and open!) means so much to so many and we want to do everything in our power to keep it that way!